Tissue Response Mechanism to External Stresses Research Based on 3Dmicroflu™

CD BioSciences is a biotechnology company committed to providing high quality and convenient 3D bioprinting services, having a high resolution 3D printing technology platform based on microfluidic systems called 3Dmicroflu™. 3Dmicroflu™ can be applied to study the mechanisms involved in organ response to external stimuli in vitro. Our experienced team of experts are always on standby for your enquiries and orders.

With the involvement of the central nervous system, the regular response of the living organism to external and internal environmental stimuli is the basic way in which the nervous system regulates the various functional activities of the organism. The corresponding response of the living organism to external changes involves the activation of many signalling pathways and the coordination of various tissues and organs. This series of responses to external changes is the basis for the regulation of normal physiological activity. Reflexes are one of these pathways that respond to external stimuli. The reflex arc is the basic structure of a reflex and is shown in the diagram below. The structural basis for reflex activity consists of five components, including receptors, afferent nerves, nociceptors, efferent nerves and effectors.

The basic components of the nerve reflex arc and the process of signal transmission.Fig. 1. The basic components of the nerve reflex arc and the process of signal transmission.

  • The receptors are structures in the body surface or tissues of animals that receive stimuli from the internal and external environment and convert them into nerve impulses.
  • The central nerves include the brain, which is located in the cranial cavity, and the spinal cord, which is located in the spinal canal. The brain is the higher centre of the nervous system and is responsible for activities such as thinking, breathing, heartbeat, vasodilatation, gastrointestinal activity and body balance. The spinal cord is the lower part of the central nervous system and its main function is conduction and reflexes.
  • The effector consists of the endings of efferent nerve fibres or motor nerve endings and the muscles or glands they innervate. The efferent nerves innervate organs and glands by releasing chemicals (neurotransmitters) that transmit nerve impulses through the nerve endings. Neurotransmitters regulate the function of muscles, glands and organs mainly by acting on the corresponding receptors.

Micro-organ printing services based on 3Dmicroflu™ applied to tissue response mechanism research

The study of the response of living organisms to in vivo and in vitro stimuli is of great importance to biological research and has a wide range of applications, such as the study of disease mechanisms, drug development, signalling mechanisms, toxicity verification and detection. CD BioSciences offers you high-resolution 3Dmicroflu™ 3D printing technology platform which can provide relevant microtissue and organ models for your study of response mechanisms and signalling pathways. The micro-organ models printed through 3Dmicroflu™ technology platform are highly accurate and fully simulate the physiological environment. Based on the flexibility of 3Dmicroflu™ technology platform, our experienced experts can provide you with a high quality one-stop service from bio-ink customisation to micro-organ model customisation after a one-to-one communication with you. As shown in the diagram below, 3Dmicroflu™ mainly provides the following services for the simulation and analysis of the response mechanisms of living organisms.

3Dmicroflu technology platform for tissue response mechanism research – CD BioSciences.Fig. 2. 3Dmicroflu™ technology platform for tissue response mechanism research

  • Sensory organ and tissue micro-model construction
  • Nerve conduction systems such as nerve cell-based micro-model construction
  • Construction of receptor models based on various types of signalling pathways (such as the nervous system, immune system, urinary system, etc.)
  • Construction of effector organs, secretory glands, and muscle tissue for studying the final effects of stimulation in vitro and in vivo

You can choose the suitable service content for your experimental project or consult our experts directly for advice.

If you are interested in our high-resolution 3Dmicroflu™ 3D bioprinting technology platform, please contact us now for professional services. All services are available on a 24/7/365 basis.

For research use only, not intended for any clinical use.